A walk-through of our COVID-safe visit procedures
First Visit Intake Forms
Before your first appointment you will be emailed intake forms to fill out and return prior to or on your first visit.
COVID Questionnaire
You will also complete a COVID questionnaire to ensure you are symptom free and have not been in contact with a known case of the virus.
Mask on and sanitize, please
Upon entering the the clinic you will be asked to use hand sanitizer and remain masked for the duration of your appointment. Hand sanitizer is available throughout the clinic and there is an accessible bathroom at the front entrance.
5-minute arrival window
We ask that patients arrive no more than 5 minutes prior to their appointment time and when possible arrive alone to allow us to keep waiting room traffic to a minimum.
Social distancing maximized throughout your visit
Your treatment session will be in an individual room behind a closed curtain with your therapist and physiotherapy assistant. Some part of the session may utilize the gym area with patients masked and socially distanced.
Regular disinfection throughout our office
All beds, rooms and equipment are disinfected between each patient with disinfectant solutions recommended by Health Canada. Electrodes are not shared between patients and all other equipment is throughly cleaned between uses. We also have regularly scheduled cleaning of all contact surfaces such as doorknobs, light switches, etc.
Private Insurance
We will ask specific questions about your insurance plan so that we may bill appropriately.
Please bring your insurance card with your company name, your policy number and ID number and the policy holders name.
Physiotherapy is a direct access health profession in Canada, so Physiotherapists do not require a doctors referral to assess or treat you. However, some insurance companies do require a referral on your file. You have 30 days (after your first appointment with the Physiotherapist) to obtain the referral from your doctor. Please check with your individual plan to find out if a referral is required for your claim.
Direct billing available from the following companies:

*Please note, individual plans within insurance companies may vary. If you have any questions about your specific policy please contact your insurance company directly as they will only give information to policy holders.
Workers’ Compensation Board
If your injury happened at work you do not need a doctors referral to see a Physiotherapist.
WCB recognizes Physiotherapists as a health profession that can assess and treat work related injuries as well as provide advise to employers and WCB on appropriate return to work plans.
Please bring your health card number, your WCB claim number (if you already have it) and work related information such as supervisor name and contact numbers or occupational health contact information. This will allow us to contact your work to advise them of the portion of the plan that relates to them.
Your sessions will include a full musculoskeletal (joint, muscle, movement) assessment as well as testing for your ability or inability to complete your job tasks. You and your Physiotherapist will come up with a treatment plan and a work schedule and they will help you navigate your return to or stay at work with your WCB case worker and the people involved at your place of work.
Car Accidents
If your injury was related to a motor vehicle accident (MVA) you do not need a doctors referral to be seen by a Physiotherapist.
At your first appointment you will be asked to fill out a NS-1 form if you haven’t already received it by mail from the car insurance company. This is general information about the incident.
We will also collect some general contact information from you along with your personal insurance information. Please bring along your Insurance card including your policy number, ID number, and the policy holders name.