Matthew Wadden

Registered Massage Therapist

Matthew was first introduced to massage as a means to deal with injuries and chronic pain as a young athlete, playing hockey and pursuing other competitive endeavours. He attended school for law enforcement, and worked in the field for years, relying on massage for injury rehabilitation, prevention, and stress management. Throughout this time, he took several courses focusing on movement quality and optimization. He took these skills and knowledge into competition and coaching other athletes.

Matthew has since changed direction, graduating with honours from the Canadian College of Massage & Hydrotherapy, in order to provide patients with the same type of care he grew to love. He discovered a passion for assessment, joint mobilization, and patient education in self-care. His goal-oriented approach, focuses on improving range of motion, and optimizing movement patterns, in order to excel in sport, and enjoy activities of daily living.

We’re open! We’re seeing patients in-clinic and we’re offering virtual physio appointments as well!Book Now