Our Blog
Educational articles, tips and tricks to caring for your physical well-being, news from our practice and more.
Prepare Your Pelvic Floor for Birth: Your Pelvic Health Physiotherapist
Pelvic Health Physiotherapists can help you navigate the many changes in pregnancy,
help prepare for birth as well as vital support in healing after delivery. Part 5 of our 5 part series.

Prepare Your Pelvic Floor for Birth: Perineal Massage
Perineal massage is a helpful way to reduce muscle tone and learn to relax the pelvic floor
muscles. Learn more about this technique. Part 4 of our 5 part series.

Prepare Your Pelvic Floor for Birth: Exercises for Mobility and Responsiveness
A mobile and responsive pelvic floor is important for birthing. Here are some simple exercises to help improve your pelvic floor muscle length and mobility. Part 3 of our 5 part series.

Prepare Your Pelvic Floor for Birth: The Muscles and the Deep Core
What are the pelvic floor muscles, what is their role in our day to day life and how are they changed during pregnancy? Part 2 of our 5 part series.

Prepare Your Pelvic Floor for Birth: An Introduction
Learning how to prepare your pelvic floor for birth can allow you to feel a greater sense of control during labor and birth. Part 1 of our 5 part series.
Is weight lifting ‘damaging’ to the pelvic floor?
Brittany Klingmann sits down with Melissa Dessaulles of the Pelvic Floor Project Podcast to discuss the impacts of weightlifting on the pelvic floor.
Exercise During Pregnancy
In this most recent podcast episode, Brittany Klingmann sits down with Melissa Dessaulles of the Pelvic Floor Project Podcast to discuss the most recent Physical Activity Guidelines during pregnancy.
CrossFit and weightlifting during pregnancy and postpartum: The Pelvic Floor Project Podcast
Brittany Klingmann is a guest on The Pelvic Floor Project Podcast to discuss top tips for pregnancy and postpartum for CrossFitting and weightlifting moms
Brittany Klingmann: Training during pregnancy & postpartum, pelvic floor physio, considerations throughout the trimesters: The Offseason Podcast
Brittany is a guest on The Offseason Podcast to talk about how to approach athletic training during and after pregnancy and the impact on the pelvic floor from the perspective of a physiotherapist

PT Brittany Klingmann discusses Pelvic Floor Health for Athletes on the BoxJumper Podcast
Young Kempt Physiotherapist Brittany Klingmann was a guest on the BoxJumper podcast to provide a little Pelvic Floor 101 – discussing what it is, who it affects, symptoms of disfunction, treatments and more

The Pelvic Floor & Its Role As Part Of An Integrated System
Pelvic floor 101 – an introduction to pelvic floor anatomy, function and signs to watch for that may indicate your pelvic floor is not functioning as optimally as it could or becoming a victim to compensations elsewhere.